Notes From The Universe...

Friday, October 22, 2010

What's New?

There's just something about this time of year.  I love it, always have.  My husband always says he hates this time of year because everything is dying, but I've never viewed autumn that way.

To me, autumn is vibrant, glowing, and full of life.  The changing of leaves from bright green to vivid golds and reds just awakens something in me.  The air is crisp in the mornings and in the evenings, and is somehow sweeter.  The smell of the earth, the dried grass & leaves fills me with a sense of peace.  The obvious turning over of each season has always stirred me, it's like a fresh start somehow.  And with that fresh start seems to always come the desire to start new projects, which brings me to the "What's New?" part of this post.  

I just finished up my first batch of soap, and to be honest, I'm thoroughly pleased with the results... so far.  LOL!  It's a goat's milk and glycerine blend, and I'm very hopeful that once I unmold it and begin slicing it it will be as beautiful as I think it will.  I scented it with my "Winter Hearth" fragrance blend -  a dusting of fragrant spices over fresh pumpkin and steaming black tea.  This is an AMAZING pumpkin scent.  Not a foody or bakery type scent, but rather true, ripe, rich pumpkin flesh dusted with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, & cloves... and a hint of crisp black tea in the background.  This scent always conjures in my mind an image of a crackling fire within a massive stone hearth in the kitchen, a butcher block table strewn with all of autumn's bounty and a steaming cup of black tea sitting nearby. Perfection.

I colored the glycerine with deep russet mica and ruby & bronze shimmer, and swirled in the white goat's milk... the perfect autumn and winter colors in my opinion.  Here are a few pictures - all in all I didn't think it was too shabby for a first go-round!

This first photo shows the mixture from above in the mold after I'd allowed it to sit and solidify.

Immediately after unmolding.

And the finished product right after slicing.  Looks more like a yummy dessert than soap!

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